Brussels, 3 April 2023: on 30 March, EU negotiators reached a deal on the revision of the EU Renewable Energy Directive (RED III). The deal includes a strong 42.5% renewables target for 2030 (+2.5% aspirational), coupled with a 14.5% GHG emission reduction target for transport, increasing EU’ decarbonization ambitions.
The European Biodiesel Board (EBB), gathering European producers of sustainable biodiesel (FAME & HVO) from agricultural feedstocks, wastes & residues, welcomes the outcome of the RED III trilogue. While we still need to analyse the text’s fine print, we can already recognize the significance of the higher overall renewables target, which represents an important signal to the market, and will foster additional investments in the sector.
Moreover, the higher ambition for the transport sector, with a 14.5% GHG intensity reduction target (up from the initially proposed 13%), is a greatly needed but realistic target which will require all sustainable renewable energy sources to contribute.
To deliver on these ambitious targets, we are also pleased that the cap on crop-based biofuels is maintained at 2020 consumption level (with a max of 7%), and the framework for crops remains stable until 2030. As the first renewable energy source in transport in 2020, biodiesel will be instrumental in delivering the 2030 objectives. Regarding waste and residues, the continuation of double counting for Annex IX-B feedstocks also recognizes the key role these raw materials have in today’s EU decarbonisation efforts.
Notably, negotiators also took on board our views on reinserting the option for farmers to use regional average values for cultivation emissions (NUTS II), which alleviates administrative burden while still allowing those that want to use actual values to do so.
The biodiesel industry delivers sustainable food, feed, bio sourced products and biofuels for all transport modes. We are pleased to see that the RED III negotiations delivered an ambitious and stable EU legislation, namely by confirming the role of crop and waste-based biodiesel in the decarbonisation of the European transport sector. The higher ambitions now adopted will require all renewable technologies and fuels to step up, this is now our focus”, stated Mr. Xavier Noyon, EBB Secretary-General.
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