Major organisations
1 operating in the liquid fuels value chain have joined forces to form the Renewable & Low-Carbon Liquid Fuels Platform. These partners are working together to contribute to the ecarbonisation of the mobility sector in a sustainable and affordable way. They represent companies acting at different steps of the value chain, from feedstock and fuel production to supply and distribution, making up a substantial part of the sustainable renewable fuels’ ecosystem.
The Platform is intended to act as an enabling forum for our collective communication. The Renewable & Low-Carbon Liquid Fuels Platform aims at exchanging views and best practices on the energy transition and the decarbonisation of all transport modes. The Platform will also publicly share their views on the design of regulations, necessary for developing business cases for the investments in low-carbon liquid fuels
The members of the Renewable & Low-Carbon Liquid Fuels Platform are committed to contribute to a climate-neutral economy by 2050 and the associated transition towards fuels produced from alternative eedstocks, consisting of agricultural and forestry sustainable biomass, waste, as well as renewable electricity, water and CO2 for the production of hydrogen-derived synthetic and renewable fuels. Given the significance of the transport sector in the drive towards climate neutrality, a progressive uptake of renewable liquid fuels is essential to achieve these objectives. In this respect, renewable and low-carbon liquid fuels play a particularly important role, given their superior energy density, ease of storage and transport, and the widespread availability of existing infrastructures and vehicles for distribution and use of these fuels, which already contribute today with significant GHG emissions savings in the road transport sector.
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