On 27 October,
EBB will present its new
roadmap to 2030 and 2050 at the occasion of its annual policy event. Following the roadmap presentation and a keynote speech by Ms
Henna Virkkunen, Member of the European Parliament, a roundtable will gather
high-profile speakers from EU institutions and Europe’s fuel, agri-food, and transport industries, who aim to engage in a
constructive dialogue with European Biodiesel producers. In the context of the “Fit for 55” Package, speakers will discuss the role and contribution of biodiesel as a multitool able to quickly decarbonise a wide array of hard-to-decarbonise sectors.
Keynote speech:
- Henna Virkkunen, Member of the European Parliament, Finland, EPP Group, ITRE and TRAN
Participants to the round table discussion:
- Bernd Kuepker, Policy Officer Decarbonisation and Sustainability of Energy Sources, DG ENER, European Commission
- Axel Volkery, Deputy-Head of Unit Sustainable and Intelligent Transport, DG MOVE, European Commission
- Alexis Cazin, Managing Director Environmental Markets, Cargill, EBB Vice-President
- Myriam Gourmand-Arnaud, Head of Renewable fuels and prospective, Total Energies, EBB Board Member
- Christophe Beaunoir, Director General of SAIPOL, Groupe Avril, EBB Member
- John Cooper, Director General, Fuels Europe
- Sigrid de Vries, Secretary General, CLEPA
- Raluca Marian, General Permanent Delegate to the EU, IRU
- Gilles Dryancour, Chairman of the Strategic Committee of CEMA - Vice-President Corporate Affairs John Deere
- Sotiris Raptis, Acting Secretary General / Director Maritime Safety and Environment, ECSA, European Community Shipowners’ Associations
- Thomas Reynaert, Managing Director, A4E, Airlines for Europe
- Nathalie Lecocq, Director General, Fediol
- Emmanuel Desplechin, Secretary General, ePURE
Draft Agenda